Monday, February 14, 2011

Contest Results

The Cover Contest has finally come to a close! It was very exciting, and I'm happy to have the front cover decided. Everyone did such a wonderful job! You can find all of the contest entries on the "Fun" section of the main AV website. Thank you very much, all of you! And my special judges who helped me with the decision process as well.

It's becoming a lot of fun to continue with the manga! I have most of the next scene inked and ready to tone but I've been doing a lot of practice with Manga Studio. Before I did all of the manga pages in photoshop and in a very different way so this is all very new to me. I hope the quality keeps improving though. I'm also working out kinks in the story and trying to make it more exciting and realistic. I think Shiro and Aaron got a little crazier XD lol.