Monday, January 31, 2011


I don't think Chibi Ahi does him justice... lol.

Well, I think I fixed the website issue. I took off the height restrictions so I think it'll grow now on its own instead of having images overlap. Please comment here if anyone finds any problems with the site, I'd like it to work for everyone. Finishing the chibis were really fun!

It wasn't in the original plan, but the prologue of AV is finished and up, and in color! I was going to tone it but I still quite don't understand how to use Manga Studio, so coloring was easiest in Photoshop. And a friend mentioned seeing it in color. I don't think she realized that her mistake turned into a challenge for me. But it was a lot of fun, I hope you all like it. I don't think I'll do many color pages in the future, I'm not that great at it XD Oh well.

In other news, I've decided to move the deadline for the cover contest another week back. It's kindof a strange story. The details are here:,1712.0.html
Basically because I thought the 1st was a Monday, and I'm still waiting on an entry.

That's it, I hope to finish the first scene of chapter 1 for the March update! There are some changes to the storyline even. I think Shiro's even spazzier, lol. Take care, thanks everyone for the support!

1 comment:

  1. *claps hands* Yay! The site looks wonderful and the problems I mentioned before are totally fixed! The chibis are SOOOOOOOOO Cute :)
    I'm reading the colored prologue now. Looks great so far! (teach me to color on 'puter?) XD no you don't have to teach me...but I still love it! :) and as I said the chibis are cute! And I'm tired/hyper right now so if I don't stop talking now I will babble on and on.

    God bless!
